With the coming of april came lots of work. i am spending the next couple of weeks away from home. atleast i have the weekends to work on some projects. So i have been working on the Drop Pods. i painted them, which was more work than i was expecting. i have been using a couple of tutorials on modelling and painting to get some inspiration.
this has helped with the painting. Starting with a Black base coat, i then airbrushed burnt umbra over top to give the rusted look. To seal it against the worst damage, i sprayed future floor polish across the model. for the weathering, i used hairspray and salt. when the hairspray was dry, i started the blue paint layers. unfortunately i used too many layers, and unlike normal painting, i didn't need to begin with a really dark blue. so the paint layer was a bit thick, but i think it came out pretty good. but no photos yet.
As for the models, i am using both these site:
the Praetors of Calth
Captain Uriel Ventris (True-Scale)
hope you enjoy,