Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer clean up and projects

This week I bring you the beginning of the clean and organize hobby space.  I've been planning for a long while to complete the basement for hobby and other purposes.

From the drying of varnished tiles.

To the reorganizing of bits boxes.  

The whole thing has got me in a little creative mood.

This is the beginning of a special diorama I've been thinking about for years.  Although I'm not usually a fan of the carousel dioramas in general, I think it is the only way to fit in the characters I'd like.  4 major characters from one of y favorite works of fiction. 

I'll share my inspiration next time.

Until then happy hobbying.


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Welding complete

Good afternoon hobbyists,

So I have finally gotten around to welding the frame for the body armour holder.  Only one mild small burn, so it was a relatively successful project.

In the process I thought about the overall requirements for this piece of kit.  The biggest was portability.  That followed by aesthetics, naturally.  As a result, I decided to put cotter pins into the pegs in the base.

And the last part was the aesthetics.  And decided to try to burn a leopard c2 into the base.  Overall not really impressed with the process, but I wouldn't rule out trying it again at a later date.  So I painted the burn with black acrylic paint to fill it in a bit.  There is another coat of varnish currently drying.  Strangely enough it reminds me of the scouting boxes and awards that were given out when I was a kid, all of which were made in the 1950s.

There's the final product.  Let me know what you think.  

Cheers and happy hobbying.
