So a Buddy of mine just posted the photos of a Flames of War table we made over the christmas holiday. We wanted to make a Normandy table, not a specific beach, but a beach with a small town, a cliff face and some bocage. Here is the beginning of the project. you can see my feet in the photo. the table is 3 planels deep, wach one in 4 ft wide and 2 ft deep. The table starts at a low level and works up into a substantial hill on the back right hand corner.

The Cliff face was made using insulation foam, the edge was cut using a sharp exacto knife, and then a steel brush was used to scrape down the sides. the roads were made using weather stripping foam, and plaster to give the raised edge of the road ways.

The greenery started out as vinyl railroad grass, or varying colours. then different types of flock was applied. It is truely amazing the stuff you can pick up from your local model train shop.

I love this table. although it is a pretty symple design, it was constructed to force a mobile game. Can you say beach assault? Hope you enjoy.
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